
Q: What kind of Product do we sell?

A:We Sell different Variety of Stuff Mostly  Mobile Phone and Computer Accessories

Q:What Payment Methods do you accept?

A:We Accept Visa and Master cards.


Q:How can I track my order?

A:When you will order a product , you will receive an order number as well as tracking id and you can use it to track order on the delivering service told you in the same mail.

Q:How long it takes for a order to deliver?

A:Delivery time depends on the country you are ordering from. 

Q:How much time till I receive info regarding tracking number and order id?

A:You will receive information regarding tracking number and order id within 3-5 days.


Q:What Countries do you sell your product?

A: You can buy our product from only specific countries as mentioned i.e USA,UK, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Australia India and Pakistan

Q:What if I want to Ship a product to any other country then the ones mentioned above?

A:If you want to buy product to any other country contact our support, they will let you know that can the shipping of product be perform from your specific country.


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